Restore the acres abandoned buildings , wells , junk, salt spills , pits.


How great a task lies ahead ?

Restore the acres abandoned buildings , wells , junk, salt spills , pits. 

As of June 2019 , here are the locations  of the North Dakota’s lateral , ie. unconventionally or frack produced, oil wells.

The conventional wells, straight up and down and usually older wells and legacy of salted lands  are not shown . 

The map of fracked will was posted in Bismarck at the Annual the National Organization of Royalty Owners (NARO) Annual Convention.  We will post a map of conventional wells.

The organization’s aspiration is to serve private mineral owners without compromise. Is the organization successful? 

Temptation to betray private mineral owners abounds because of the intimacy of the Petrolem Council and ND’s uniformly, Republican leaders . 

We are a one party state. The political remedy? Unknown. Sue?

ND has funds, perhaps $6 billion available to fix North Dakota’s salted land.

In October at Salted Lands Council,