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John C. Osbourne | Principle Hydrogeologist, Senior Vice President GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.

John C. Osbourne


John Osborne is a Principal Hydrogeologist and Senior Vice President with the national consulting firm of GZA. His areas of specialization include developing risk management and remedial strategies for legacy contaminated sites throughout the U.S. As a Principal Hydrogeologist, he has developed technical strategies on a large diversity of hydrogeologic, contaminant transport, remediation and regional groundwater contamination projects. Responsibilities have included geological and hydrogeological site characterizations and development of defendable conceptual site models{CS Ms) in a variety of geological terrains including glacial and alluvial deposits, and fractured crystalline, carbonate and sandstone bedrock systems. He has managed major soil and groundwater contamination investigations associated with a wide range of organic and inorganic contaminants. Expert testimony in support of litigation has been provided in the areas involving Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action and evaluating environmental liabilities related to de-valued contaminated properties, State regulatory violations and professional standard-of-care issues. Mr. Osborne also offers a unique blend of technical expertise in hydrogeology and contaminant transport with regulatory negotiating experience that enables the development of sound strategies for site characterization, remediation and closure that effectively manages risk on behalf of the client while establishing a beneficial working relationship with regulators.

Project tasks have included remedial investigation/feasibility studies, preliminary and final remedial system design and remedial construction management as the prime contractor on National Priority List {NPL) sites. Mr. Osborne has taken active roles in representing clients and presenting technical issues to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and Department of Justice (DoJ), and many state regulatory agencies. He has specialized experience in the areas of groundwater flow interpretations and contaminant transport involving the characterization of subsurface impacts from dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) and PFAS in porous media and fractured bedrock environments. Additional expertise is offered in the design of groundwater isolation and dewatering systems and the integration of surface geophysical methods during site characterization activities. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Geological Sciences and Geophysics from the University of WisconsinMilwaukee. While based in Wisconsin, Mr. Osborne has responsibility for GZA's consulting practice throughout the Midwestern United States to the Rocky Mountains.

GZA is a national, employee-owned environmental and geotechnical consulting firm with 31 offices in the United States. With 55-years of experience, GZA brings innovation and practical problem solving skills to clients throughout the country. We offer a breadth of services from environmental site characterization through remediation management and closure, to soil and rock engineering, ecological and permitting services and a sophisticated dams and water resource practice. We have conducted large scale environmental assessments of properties throughout the U.S. including the 18,800-acre National Bison Range. We have conducted turnkey services such as remedial investigations, remedial alternatives analysis, remedial construction management and site closure on over 15,000 sites including over 60 Superfund Sites including project sites located within USEPA Region VII. The firm's ability to bring responsive, diversified high-end services to clients and legal counsel has advanced its reputation as a premier solver of technical problems in the consulting industry.